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Day 127: Asphalt.

As I was walking up to the house today, I noticed with the white paint, you can see the imperfections of the doesn't look as perfect as it did when it was the raw cement colour.

There are still a few odds and ends that need to be finished. I imagine this will take a while. But one at a time everything is getting done. Luis and Esteban are finishing the left over rendering in little corners and fixing the electric tubing and boxes.

They put in an extra light switch for my bedroom. and then rendered the wall.

Esteban finished the storage room. I think it was difficult for him because he had to squeeze into tiny places and there were a lot of odd shapes/spaces.

This is the wall just outside of my room.

They patched a few tubes into place. These are just extra tubes for electric wires just incase plans change and we want to add something after the house is done.

This is the doorway of the back entrance. I assume they will finish rendering it tomorrow.

Guzman painted the walls inside the house white. i think he did the dance studio only....but it was a lot, i think his neck is really sore from looking up all the time.

...and lucky me got to paint the foundation with sticky asphalt. (Well the first layer at least)

But first they chipped off all the garbage and cement that was stuck to the edges of the foundation. They cleaned the wall until you could see the plastic.

this is the asphalt ... ugh.

and this is my work. What do you think? I'd say, not bad for my first day painting this stuff. The first layer is harder to paint but the second layer slides on so smoothly. getting into all the cracks and holes is what takes the longest. and because it's have to be super careful...I already put a handprint on the wall...eeeeeee.

At the top of the foundation (and the bottom of the wall) I had to make sure there was a good layer of the black stuff. there will also be a border that i need to paint (and stay in the lines)....all the colouring when i was in elementary school is finally paying off! I've been told to 'stay in the lines' more times within the last 4 months than in the past 20 years! ha ha haa.

This is a wall with the line painted. You should see the blue line they used to mark the wall. it's the coolest thing ever. is a big roll of string that looks like a measuring tape and inside the line is covered with bright blue chalk. then 2 people hold the ends and then one person flicks the line so it bounces against the wall and leaves a perfect bright blue line... coolest thing ever! I want one just for fun....except i have no one to help me hold the line :'(....

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