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Day 121: finishing the rendering

I was at the house early today so there was a lot for them to do. but luis said to come on Monday ready to paint. So I guess they were planning to finish the rendering today...or they're ready for me to paint while they finish up stairs.

So the running joke these days has been the videos. because apparently I only took pictures of Guzman and no one else. But in my defence, it's because I like to take pictures of everyone doing different things. but if you're doing the same thing for 3 weeks. there's only so many pictures I'll take of you doing the same today Esteban grabbed the shovel and insisted that I take a picture of him with the shovel...Having done will notice the wheelbarrow and the shovel have nothing in it...ha haha (no but seriously, he did shovel a little today)

This is the window that will be over my bed.. I was thinking of putting in a bed that had a canopy. but if the canopy is smaller than the window, it might not look so great... I'm going to have to think of another solution.

Everyone's got their own idea for this great terrace. i love hearing them. We've got one with a stationary bike on the terrace, one for a jacuzzi smack in the middle , my idea of the infinity pool over the guest bedroom and another idea for rolling the bed out onto the terrace so that I can sleep under the stars.

Honestly, I think the rendering will take another day or two.

onday prepared to i think that means all the rendering will be done today. I just didn't have enough time to go by and see if they finished this aft or not.

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