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Day 83: Lesson in Building

Today they taught me how to put on the mesh between the columns and blocks. It's addictive. I had so much fun....after they taught me how to do it properly. I did the staircase before they showed me how to do it properly and they told me it looked really ugly.

You can't see it very well here but the columns on each side are done. it's a different kind of cement than the mortar they use.

The mesh behind me (doesn't look very blue but it's a bright ultra blue) and you stick it up with the cement (that the guys call PAN. Pan is short for something I forget what.) and then you line the roll of mesh up to the column, then you hold it in place and let the roll drop to the ground. then you cover the mesh with the cement like you're frosting a cake and then put ridges in it with the spatula with teeth.

Here's the expert at work.

The electric guy came and started laying all the tubes to run the electric cables. I thought it was a lot and Luis said just wait until you see the living room. There will be way more.

This is the dance studio.

These are the rolls for the workshop

It kind of looks like a freaky movie where zebra muscles are coming out of the walls.

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