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Hail to the new Tagoror

This weekend Jesus called a bunch of friends to come help me weed. We were 6 all together and we got so much done. They were working so fast I didn't even realize what was going on until it was done.

Most of the work was cutting out the thorns. They were very sharp and tough but Pedro brought tools from his farm which made life easier. Him and Jesus cut the thorns while Fabio and Montse picked up the cut material and threw it in a pile where (hopefuly) the tractors will come and take it away.....or burn it?

As the throns were cut out, we could see the rock formation better. Just by removing the thorns, the perfect campfire circle appeared between the two mountains. Even with a bench!

Jesus and Pedro told me that the aboriginals on this island called these gathering areas "tagoror"

Not only did we find the Tagoror, we used it to have lunch. It was brilliant. I'm so happy! I can't wait to have the first campfire. (it will be definitly open to everyone)

All those thorns you see at the bottom was cut by the guys. We dumped them there because we are hoping the tractors will take them away. They are actually sitting about 3 feet lower than those rocks that are lined up. It looks like someone in the past put them there...and I will be using it as a walkway from the parking lot to the studios.

Pedro helped me cut all the thorns in front of this gigantic rock. It's on top of the west mountain where I take one of the panoramic pictures. Once Pedro cut the thorns away, you could immediately see a place for a bench. But the thorns were very green so I need to make sure it doesn't grow back. They say to put "gas oil" (I think that's diesel in spanish...not sure) or vinegar. If I use diesel, it will sterilize the area and nothing will ever grow there. but if I use vinegar, then I will be able to grow other stuff there I think there will be some spots where I use gasoil and others where I use vinegar.

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